Government of The People's Republic of Bangladesh
Office of the Executive Engineer, RHD,
Road Division, Shariatpur.
Memo No.: 1959(3), 25/08/2008
Date: 09-08-2008
1. Ministry/Division Ministry of Communication.
2. Agency Roads & Highways Department.
3. Procuring Entity Name Executive Engineer, RHD, Road Division, Shariatpur.
4. Procuring Entity Code Not used at present
5. Procuring Entity District Shariatpur.
6. Expression of Interest for Selections of Consultancy Services for Hydrological and Morphological Studay for proposed Bridge at Munshirhat over Kirtinasa river at 1st km of Shariatpur-Gonganagar-Mongalmazirghat road (Z-8065).
7. Invitation Ref No. 01/EOI/SRD of 2008-09.
8. Date 25/08/2008.
9. Procurement Method Open Tendering Method.
10. Budget and Source of Funds Revenue.
11. Development Partners (if applicable) Not applicable.
12. Project/Programme Code (if applicable) Not applicable.
13. Project/Programme Name (if applicable) Consultancy Services for Hydrological and Morphological Studay for proposed Bridge at Munshirhat over Kirtinasa river at 1st km of Shariatpur-Gonganagar-Mongalmazirghat road (Z-8065).
14. EOI closing Date and Time. 15-09-2008 at 12.00 Noon.
15. Brief description of the Assignment. The scope of the services includes:
i. Selecting suitable bridge site and approach road alignment by hydro-morphological assessment of alternative options:
ii. Determining hydrological design parameters for the bridge, approach road and river training works (RTW), if any:
iii. Hydraulic and scour analysis of bridge for determining bridge length, vertical and horizontal clearance and foundation levels of piers and abutments:
iv. Assessing the impacts of bridge on local as well as upstream and downstream hydraulics and morphologiy:
v. Prediction of potential morphology changes in the vicinity of the proposed bridge before and after construction of the bridge applying numerical model:
vi. Determining the optimum length, placement and orientation of the RTW by hydro-morphological assessment of different options;
vii. Preparing preliminary design of RTW and determining cost;
viii. Devising a morphological development-monitoring program for the proposed bridge.
16. Experience, Resources & Delivery Capacity Required. Interested consultants are invited to provide information including that they are qualified to perform the services along with brochures, description of similar assignments, experience of working in similar operating conditions, availability of appropriate professional showing qualification and experience among staffs, necessary equipment and technology along with software, etc.
The consultants shall have 10 ((Ten) years experience in mathematical modeling study, bridge hydraulic design, river stability assessment, planning and design of river training works and other relevant works as stated in the scope of work and services at least in 5(Five) similar projects.
17. Other Details (if applicable). The firm(s) may form Joint Venture, Consortium or Association (JVCA) to enhance their qualifications, but should mention whether the Association is in the form of ``Joint Venture" or ``Sub-Consultancy" In the case of Joint Venture, all firms/entities shall be jointly and severally liable for the centre consultant's obligation under the contract.
The Consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures of the Public Procurement Act (PPA)-2006, Public Procurement Regulation (PPR) 2008 and Public Procurement Procedures (PPP) issued by the Government of Bangladesh.
Interested firm(s) may obtain Terms of Reference (TOR) & further information at the address included above during normal office hours.
The expression of interest (EOI) in four sets (One original +Three Duplicate) Shall be submitted in sealed envelope, delivered to the address of the undersigned shown above by Executive Engineer, RHD, Road Division, Shariatpur on 15-09-2008 during office hour and clearly marked ``Request for Expression of Interest'' for Consultancy Services for Hydrological and Morphological Studay for Proposed Bridge at Munshirhat over kirtinasa at 1st km of Shariatpur-Gonganagar-Mongalmazirghat road (Z-8065) in Shariatpur Distric using Mathematical Model.
18. Association with foreign firms is Encouraged.
19. Name of official inviting EOI Kabir Uddin Ahmed.
20.. Designation of the Official inviting EOI Executive Engineer, RHD.
21.. Address of the Official inviting EOI Shariatpur Road Division, Shariatpur.
22. Contact details of the Official inviting EOI Tel No. 0601-55406
23. The procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject any/all EOI's any time without assigning any reasons whatsover.
(Kabir Uddin Ahmed)
Executive Engineer, RHD, (C.C.)
Shariatpur Road Division, Shariatpur.