Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Office of the Project Director (ACE), RHD
4-Laning of Dhaka-Chittagong Highway Project
Sarak Bhaban, Ramna, Dhaka.

Staff Outsourcing through Firm/Company
for 4-Laning of Dhaka-Chittagong Highway Project

Memo No.: Memo No. 4LP/StaffOutSrc/1383 Date: 23-02-2009

1 Ministry / Division : Ministry of Communications / Roads and Railways Division
2 Executing Agency : Roads and Highways Department
3 Procuring Entity : Project Director, 4-Laning of Dhaka-Chittagong Highway Project
4 Invitation Ref No. : 4LP/OutSrc/1383
5 Invitation Date. : 23 February 2009
6 Invitation For : Proposal [Physical Service]
7 Source of Budget : GOB
8 Procurement Method : Open NCT (Least Cost Selection)
9 Project Name : 4-Laning of Dhaka-Chittagong Highway Project
10 Package No : 4LP/S02
11 Package Name : Staff Outsourcing for 4-Laning of Dhaka-Chittagong Highway Project
12 Last Date for Proposal Submission : 30 March 2009 at 12:00 noon (Bangladesh Standard Time)
13 Last Date for Proposal Selling : 29 March 2009 (during office hour)
14 Place, Date and Time for
Pre-Proposal Meeting : 15 March 2009 at 11:00 am, Address: Office of the Project Director, Room No 416, C – Block, Sarak Bhaban, Ramna, Dhaka-1000.
15 Eligibility of the Applicant : Any reputed Bangladeshi Firm having at least two years of experience of providing the physical services mentioned below (or relevant positions) to any government/non-government office/project or any NGO/Consulting Firm having at least five years of general experience. In case of Joint Ventures, each partner (Firm) of the Joint Venture shall be required to fulfil the above-specified criteria. Other eligibility criteria are stated in the Proposal Document.
16 Brief Description of the service
to be provided : To provide Staff Input for the post of Administrative Officer (01), Computer Operator (01), Steno Grapher (02), Upper Division Assistant (UDA) (08), Office Assistant (09), Driver (43) and MLSS (Peon) (06) for the Office of the Project Director, Additional Project Directors and Project Managers at different locations of the Project
17 Contract Period : 48 Months from Commencement
18 Address of Selling Proposal Document : Office of the Project Director, Room No 416, C – Block, Sarak Bhaban, Ramna, Dhaka-1000.
19 Address of Receiving Proposal Document : Office of the Project Director, Room No 416, C – Block, Sarak Bhaban, Ramna, Dhaka-1000.
20 Proposal Price : A non-refundable amount of Taka 200/- (Two Hundred) in cash.
21 Name of the Officer inviting Proposal : Quazi Ghulam Mustafa
22 Designation of the officer
inviting Proposal : Project Director (ACE, RHD)
23 Contact Details : Phone 9563530; FAX 9558175; e-mail

The Procuring Entity reserves the right to Accept or Reject any or all Proposals and the whole process.

(Quazi Ghulam Mustafa)
Project Director (ACE), RHD
4-Laning of Dhaka-Chittagong Highway Project
Sarak Bhaban, Ramna, Dhaka.