Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Ministry of Communications
Roads & Highways Department
Office of the Project Director, Improvement of Lalmonirhat-Burimari Road
Additional Chief Engineer, RHD
Rangpur Zone, Rangpur.

Request For Expressions Of Interest For Selection Of Consulting Firm from India

Memo No.: EoI Ref. No.632 R.Z. Date: 24-02-2011

The People’s Republic of Bangladesh has been in the pipeline of receiving financing from Export-Import Bank of India under Dollar Credit line Agreement towards the cost of the Improvement of Lalmonirhat-Burimari Road, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of these funds to payments under the contract for the provision of Consultancy services for the Project by a Consulting Firm/JVCA of Consulting Firms of India only.

The Service include:
Design and Construction-Supervision of Civil Works under Improvement of Lalmonirhat-Burimari Road.

The location of the project is along Barabari-Lalmonirhat-Burimari Road(N-509). The Start Point of the project is at Lalmonirhat (Chainage 12+020) and End Point of the project is at Burimari (Chainage 104+850). The estimated input for the above Consultancy Service is 123 Key Personnel man-month and 468 Staff man-month.

The Experience, Resources and Delivery Capacity required are:

The firm must have the experience of rendering the following Consultancy Services within the last 10(ten) years:

(i) Satisfactory completion of Construction-Supervision along with design for at least 60km of 2-lane highways; and

(ii) Satisfactory completion of Construction-Supervision along with design for at least 1(one) multi-span pre-stressed concrete bridge/flyover, not less than 50 m in length on 2-lane highway.

In case of Joint Ventures, the Lead Partner must have the above experiences of rendering the Consultancy Services within the last 10(ten) years. Other partner must have the experience of rendering Consultancy Services of Construction-Supervision and design activities of any highway project within the last 10(ten) years.

The Project Director & Additional Chief Engineer, RHD, Rangpur Zone, Rangpur now invites eligible Applicants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested Consultants are invited to provide the following information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services:

a. Background of the firm(s) (limited to one page);
b. General and overall experience of the firm(s);
c. Summary of similar projects undertaken;

d. Summary of permanent professional employees with key personnel qualification and experience;
e. Summary of the temporary professional employees with key personnel qualification and experience;

Applicants may associate with other Consultant(s) to enhance their qualifications.

A Consultant will be selected using the Selection under a Fixed Budget (SFB) procurement method in accordance with the Public Procurement Act 2006 and Public Rules 2008 issued by the GoB. It is expected that the Services will be commenced in June 2011 and shall be completed in June 2013.

Interested Applicants may obtain further information by applying to the address below during normal office hours.

Expression of Interest shall be submitted by 12.30 PM (Bangladesh Standard Time) on 28 March 2011 in sealed envelope delivered to Project Director, Improvement of Lalmonirhat-Burimari Road Project & Additional Chief Engineer, RHD, Rangpur Zone, Rangpur, Bangladesh and be clearly marked “Request for Expressions of Interest for Consulting Firm (Time-based).”

The Procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject all EoI’s.

(Md. Mafizul Islam)
Project Director, Improvement of Lalmonirhat-Burimari Road Project
Additional Chief Engineer, RHD
Rangpur Zone, Rangpur.
Tell No. +88-0521-64836
Fax: +88-0521-64548