Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh
Office of the Project Director
SASEC Road Connectivity Project
Roads and Highways Department
132/4 New Bailey Road, Dhaka - 1000
Phone + 8802-8333570, Fax + 8802-9343079

Invitation for Expressions of Interest (EOl) for NGO Services for Implementation of Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan for SASEC Road Connectivity Project: Improvement of Joydevpur-Chandra-Tangail-Elenga Road (N4) to a 4-Lane Highway.

Memo No.: 35.RHD.0000.SASECPD.07.001.2013-79 Date: 04-08-2013

• The Roads and Highway Department (Executing Agency) now invites Expressions of Interest (EOl) from Bangladeshi NGOs in a Single or Joint Venture/Association for short listing of Firm/Firms for the captioned services. However, in case of joint venture the number of firms will be maximum three including the lead partner. The qualifications of the Lead Partner/NGO will be evaluated and only the lead partner will be short-listed.

• The cost ofthe NGO services will be met from Govemment of Bangladesh funds in local currency (BDT).

• The impacts as per the Feasibility-level Resettlement Plan (RP) are largely confined to some 1,700 units of road side shops/businesses, with a major concentration of an estimated 4OO units in Konabari Bazar area. However, the number may be varied on the basis of the final design.

• The implementation Non-Government Organiation (INGO) shall primarily assist the Roads and Highways Department (RHD) in land acquisition and resettlement, particularly for assisting affected and entitled persons claiming their compensation from DC offices, payments of extra-legal resettlement benefits to be paid by RHD as part of the Project Resettlemenl Policy and entitlements. The general scope of work and key tasks of the INGO shall include: (i) Assist RHD from preparation of land acquisition proposal and liaison with Deputy Commissioners office to expedite and arrangements for land acquisition activities till handing over of land to RHD from DC office; (ii) Designing, planning, implementing infomation and communications campaign in the affected areas primarily to inform Project Affected Persons (PAPs) (iii) Computerization of data of land, structure, trees and other properties lost by the PAPs. (iv) assist in collecting Cash Compensation under Law (CCL) to both the direct and indirect PAPs (v) carrying out additional census and Inventory of Losses (IOL), if required for verification; (vi) computerization of DC office data (calculation sheet, DC Award, share determination); (vii) identification of entitled persons (EPs); participation in Grievance Redress Committee (GRC), preparation of EP file, preparation of entitlement card, preparation of payment statement; (viii) disbursement of resettlement benefit; (ix) any resettlement-related technical services required by the EA; (X) monthly monitoring report fo RHD outlining the progress made in terms of compensation and resettlement in the reporting month and tasks and targets for the next month. (xi) NIGO will submit Project Completion Report (PCR) with all records and expenditures after completing the services.

• The qualified NGO must be a non-profit human welfare organization and must have experience in land related survey and implementation of resettlement action plan in large-scale completed development project (s). The NGO must be registered in Bangladesh under the NGO Affairs Bureau and the Department of Social Welfare.

• The Qualified NGO must have proven ability of implementation of at least 2 (two) Resettlement Programs among which at least one must be in any foreign aided highway/road development project in last 10 (ten) years. Experience of working in resettlement program under Roads and Highways Department will get preference.

The EOI shall include:
• Profile of the NGO (e.g., representatives, address, total number of staff, history and other information to introduce itself);
• General and specific experience of the NGO;
• Notarized copy of updated/renewed registration certificate in Bangladesh (with Department of Social Welfare and NGO Affairs Bureau);
• Information of the experience of firm(s) in the following areas with the name of the projects, name of the clients, total costs of such projects, cost of NGO services, type of input provided by NGO, date of commencement and completion;
• Summary of experience of NGO in the field of resettlement assistance;
• Summary of experience in similar projects undertaken in the country or region;
• Summary of experience in similar projects undertaken in the countries with similar social, geographical and economic conditions;
• Audited financial reports of NGO for the last three years;
• Nature, size, employer, location and type of input for contracts in hand; and
• Summary of permanent professional employees with key qualifications;

• Interested NGOs may obtain additional information from the office of the undersigned.

• EOI with all supporting documents must be submitted at or before 4:00 pm by 19 September 2013 in sealed envelope, marked with "NGO Services for Implementation of Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan for SASEC Road Connectivity project: Improvement of Joydevpur-Chandra-Tangail-Elenga Road (N4) to a 4-Lane Highway)" and delivered to the address of the undersigned.

• The EOI shall be submitted in one (1) original, two (2) copies, and one soft copy in CD-R in a sealed envelope.

• The final selection of INGO shall follow Quality and Cost-based Selection (QCBS) procedure in accordance with Bangladesh Public Procurement Rules 2OO8 and ADB's Guidelines on the Use of Consultants by Asian Development Bank and its Borrowers. The request for submission of the Technical and Financial Proposal is expected to be issued to the short-listed NGOs on the basis of the EOl.

• The executing agency or donor agencies shall not entertain any cost of expenses incured by the NGOs in connection with the preparation or delivery of the EOl.

• The EA reserves the right to shortlist or not to shortlist any or all of the applicant(s) without mentioning any reason whatsoever.

Deleep Kumar Guha
Project Director (Additional Chief Engineer), RHD
SASEC Road Connectivity Project
Flat 302, 132/4, New Bailey Road
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Phone + 8802-8333570, Fax + 8802-9343079