Tender : eGP-53/OTM/LRD/Supply/2024-2025
12/02/2025 16.00
13/02/2025 12.00
Supplying un-skilled Labour for Clearing & Grubbing Work at 31th (p), 32th (p), 33th (p), 34th (p), 35th (p), 36th (p) Km. of Lakshmipur-Char Alaxander-Sonapur Road (Z-1405) under Road Division Lakshmipur during the year 2024-2025.
Tender : eGP-54/OTM/LRD/Supply/2024-2025
12/02/2025 16.00
13/02/2025 12.00
Supplying un-skilled Labour for Clearing & Grubbing Work at 37th (p), 38th (p), 39th (p), 40th (p), 41th (p), 42th (p) Km. of Lakshmipur-Char Alaxander-Sonapur Road (Z-1405) under Road Division Lakshmipur during the year 2024-2025.
Tender : TI-1060429, eGP-41/OTM/LRD/PMP-Major-Road/2024-2025
17/02/2025 16.00
18/02/2025 12.00
Periodic Maintenance Programme (PMP) work by Providing Strengthening DBS wearing Course including Partial Strengthening by Base Type-1, RCC Retaining Wall & Earthen shoulder at 1st km to 9th km(P) of Daserhat-Mandari Road (Z-1432) Road under Lakshmipur Road Division during the year 2024-2025.
Tender : TI-1060600, eGP-42/OSTETM/LRD/PMP-Major-Road/2024-2025
17/02/2025 16.00
18/02/2025 12.00
Periodic Maintenance Programme (PMP) work by Providing Strengthening, DBS-Wearing Course and Protective work From Ch. 0+000 (Madam Bridge) to End Ch.15+050 m (Dattapara college) of Lakshmipur-Dattapara-Chatkhil Road (Z-1510) under Lakshmipur Road Division During the year 2024-2025.
Tender : eGP-45/OSTETM/LRD/PMP-Major-Road/2024-2025
23/02/2025 16.00
24/02/2025 12.00
Periodic Maintenance Programme work (PMP) work by Construction of Rigid Pavement, Strengthening, DBS Base course, DBS Wearing course, Protective work & Earthen shoulder work at Ch.18+500 km to 37+420 km of Hazigonj-Ramgonj-Lakshmipur (Z-1422) Road under Lakshmipur Road Division during the year 2024-2025.
Tender : ADP/LRD/OSTETM/CLCLBRP/WP-01/2024-2025
02/03/2025 16.00
03/03/2025 12.00
Widening, Strengthening, Surfacing, Construction of Rigid Pavement, Hard Shoulder, 6 Nos. Different Size RCC Box Culvert, Foot Over Bridge, Intersection, Bus Bay, side Road, Road Divider, Protective work, Road Side Drain & Road Safety work at Ch. 107+895 to 117+000 of Comilla-Lalmai-Chandpur-Lakshmipur-Begumganj Road (R-140) under Lakshmipur Road Division during the year 2024-2025.
Tender : ADP/LRD/OSTETM/CLCLBRP/WP-02/2024-2025
02/03/2025 16.00
03/03/2025 12.00
Widening, Strengthening, Surfacing, Construction of Rigid Pavement, Hard Shoulder, 5 Nos. Different Size RCC Box Culvert, side Road, Road Divider, Protective work, Road Side Drain & Road Safety work at Ch. 117+000 to 126+000 of Comilla-Lalmai-Chandpur-Lakhmipur-Begumganj Road (R-140) under Lakshmipur Road Division during the year 2024-2025.